School Education Department – COVID -19 - Private Un-Aided Schools / Junior
colleges - Fee to be collected from parents /students for the Academic year
G.O.Ms.No.57 Dated.30-10-2020
Read the following:
1. Notification of AP School Education Regulatory and monitoring
Commission, Ibrahimpatnam Dated: 26.05.2020.
2. Directions issued by Hon’ble AP High Court In WP No. 9563 of 2020
Dated: 29.05.2020 and 26.09.2020.
3. Procgs.Rc.No.Spl/APSERMC/2020, dt.25-04-2020 of the
Chairperson, Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory
Monitoring Commission (APSERMC), A.P Amaravati.
4. Govt.Memo.No.ESE01/129/PS/A1/2020-1, Dt.29-04-2020 of
School Education Department.
5. Procgs.Memo.No.ESE02-17/217/2020-PS1-CSE, Dt.07-05-2020 of
C.S.E., A.P
6. Lr.Rc.No.386/APSERMC/2020, Dt.18-10-2020 of Chairperson,
Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory Monitoring
Commission (APSERMC), A.P, Amaravati.
The Andhra Pradesh School Education Regulatory and Monitoring
Commission, proposed to review and determine the fee structure for the Private
Unaided Schools and Junior Colleges in the state of Andhra Pradesh for the
academic year 2020-21 and issued a notification read 1
st above directing the
managements of all the Private Unaided Schools and Junior Colleges in the
state of Andhra Pradesh to submit relevant data in the prescribe schedules.
2. Aggrieved by the same, KAY VEE ORR Education, Mailavaram have filed
a Writ Petition and the Hon’ble AP High Court in WP No. 9563 in 2020 stayed
the notification for a period of six weeks initially and extended thereafter.
3. In the prevailing circumstances due to the spread of the Covid-19
pandemic, the resultant lockdown measures and economic situation and taking
in to consideration of the plight of the parents who are not in a position to pay
the tuition fees for their children studying in the Private Un-aided Schools/Junior
Colleges, on the recommendation of the Andhra Pradesh School Education
Regulatory Monitoring Commission (APSERMC), orders were issued in the
reference 5th cited, by the Government directing the Managements of all the
Private Un-aided Recognized Schools/Junior Colleges not to increase any kind
of fees during the academic year 2020-21 and shall collect only tuition fee on
monthly basis until further orders.